Our Collective Weight-loss Challenge Progress Blog

Welcome to our weight loss challenge! We are collectively trying to lose 14 lbs by Bastille Day (July 14)! We are Weight Watchers members and we began counting from May 12. We will also be challenging each other to accomplish fitness or nutritional goals during these weeks. This is a never-ending journey for both of us and we welcome as much support as possible!

Friday, June 18, 2004

Pouring the bottle of wine

So I had a WW leader who once told us, "If you spilled some red wine on your carpet, would you run to clean it up, or would you dump the rest of the bottle onto the carpet?" I basically dumped the entire metaphoric bottle of wine over the weekend since my brilliant plan to not go to the meeting but be good the next week was not-so-brilliant.

So over the last 2 miserable weeks, I gained 3 lbs. That said, I'm also sick, and bloated and am now back on track. But I'm afraid it does not bode well for our challenge


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