Our Collective Weight-loss Challenge Progress Blog

Welcome to our weight loss challenge! We are collectively trying to lose 14 lbs by Bastille Day (July 14)! We are Weight Watchers members and we began counting from May 12. We will also be challenging each other to accomplish fitness or nutritional goals during these weeks. This is a never-ending journey for both of us and we welcome as much support as possible!

Friday, May 28, 2004

Bring it. :) Challenge Accepted.... New one declared.

Ok. I can't do the part where I pull myself in to the desk on my rolly chair. I discovered this through trial and error- instead of pulling myself in across the carpet, I pulled the crappy table I use as a desk toward me, computer and all. But I shall do at least 15 minutes of silly office excercises at least 3 times this week.

So, Ms. Abigail. Your challenge should you choose to accept it, sounds simple... perhaps too simple. When you are watching television this week as you are prone to do, I challenge you to either do 5 sit-ups and 5 pushups for every half an hour of television that you watch. This will either make you do a lot of pushups and situps or watch less television (in which case you'll presumably have to do something more active than sitting in front of the tv would have been). Or you'll just read a book and my challenge will be for naught. But there it is. Plus, I got to use the word "naught" in a sentence.


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